Sitemap - 2023 - Fly on the Wall Press’s Newsletter

Big Magic inspiration, Best-sellers and the joy of reflection

How is 100-year-old Professor Wendowleen spending Christmas?

The Four Hour Work Week - Is it possible in publishing?!

An Introduction to the Book Rights Industry

Short Stories Spark Book Club Chatter

Take a break from the frenzy and enjoy a short story from 'The Naming of Moths' by Tracy Fells

November Joy: New authors, events

"If we retrace our roots over hundreds and thousands of years, we are all immigrants."

Waterstones, Amazon and the Indie Bookshop: how much money do they actually give to small publishers?

The history of ‘Hysterical Women’ and Sexism in the Police Force: An Interview with Donna Moore

"My aim with characters is always to make them authentic rather than likeable."

The River Styx and its immortal rower...

"I am fascinated by the way that feminism and motherhood clash, rather than intersect."

The woman who made me

‘This is a very personal poem which I have never discussed or read in public.’

On Making Writing a Process

Cults, events and a Scottish tour!

The Guardian's Verdict: Unravelling the Impact of Reviews on Book Sales

The State of Us according to Charlie Hill

The Joys and Pitfalls of Studying Creative Writing

From Fact to Fiction: The challenges and opportunities in shaping factual research into a compelling fiction novel

A 100-year-old professor leads an underground rebellion this August...

The Realities of Indie Publishing: Navigating Challenges and Opportunities

Becoming a Portfolio Writer

Exclusive story extract from Alice Fowler's collection: 'The Truth Has Arms and Legs'

Is profit a dirty word?

"My life has been enhanced by the opportunity to read these stories."

Aryamati Prize judge announcement and come behind the scenes...

Exclusive sneak peak: Victoria Richards' delightful insanities...

Sylvia Plath is Invading...

Doing things DIFFERENTLY

Modern Gothic submissions, sunshine and stories from Fly on the Wall Press

Joyful events from Author Marketing, to networking, to poetry secrets...

Goat Yoga, Events and Modern Gothic: Welcome to March

From Collaboration to Social Action: The Story of Fly on the Wall Press

Charlie Hill's 'The State of Us': A Provocative Satire on the Human Condition

FOTW signs 'The Process of Poetry', a craft book edited by Rosanna McGlone

Fly on the Wall Press Update: New Titles, Funding Losses, and Stock Clearance Sale

Discover the Best of Northern Publishing at the Free Northern Publishers' Fair 2023

January news and events from Fly on the Wall Press

Insect Decline: How Reading Julian Bishop's 'We Saw it All Happen' Can Help Make a Difference

Celebrating Northern Publishing